
Earth is the origin of life in the known galaxy and the only habital planet of Sol One. A historical site and the headquarters of the ISG, Earth is a highly populated and highly traveled destination, although it's population has decreased in recent centuries as other sol's have become more popular tourist destinations.


Earth has a moderate climate capable of supporting human life. During the twenty-first century the planet suffered from a climate crisis due to excess resource consumption and uncontrolled pollution. Advances in terraforming technologies and the proliferation of fusion energy lead to a reversal of damage and the flourishing of ecological life on Earth.


The twenty-first century was characterized by massive advancements in technology which coincided with extreme resource consumption. As power and technology concentrated to governments and corporations, uncontrolled polution and resource extraction lead to the devastation of the climate and environment. Private corporations and governments worked together to maintain control over technology and research. Motivated by power and profit, they were not able to think long term on the scale needed to solve the challenges facing humanity.

Space colonies on the Moon (Sol-1:P-Earth:M-Moon) and Mars (Sol-1:P-Mars) were established by corporations contracted by governments. These early settlements were successful but highly reliant on Earth for special equipment, medical supplies and other support. Relics and artifacts of these first colonies can still be seen to this day at these sites.

First Earth War

Near the end of the century tensions between corporations and governments were at an all time high. The First Earth War began on March 3rd, 2096. This was the first major conflict in which Artificial Intelligence was used. The invention of energy weapons spurred the development of plasma bombs, ransomware, and cyberhacking technology. It is unknown why no corporation or government employed the use of nuclear or bio weapons, although it's speculated that early AI's disfavored their use which impacted strategic planning. Nearly everyone on earth was involved in the conflict.

United Earth

As the First Earth War raged on, a collective of government and corporate leaders formed a secret government called The United Earth. Although intelligence agencies knew of the organization, they did not deem them to be a threat. With Earth on the edge of being unlivable from the unaddressed climate crisis the war raged on.

Centennial Pandemic

The centennial pandemic began up in 2115, causing widespread challenges for everyone. The United Earth government quietly supplied vaccinations to people involved in government using historical vaccine information and an incredible effort lead by a coalition of researchers and students at MIT. Earth's citizens were distrustful of their governments, so wide scale vaccination was not immediately effective. The death toll reached over 2 million by the end of the pandemic in 2119.

First Space Combat

On September 27 2117, the first combat in space began on the surface of the Moon. Columbia Tech, a small arms manufacturer invaded the colonies on the Moon, killed all colonists, and took over research laboratories. The force was able to travel between the moon and Mars shockingly fast. This was an experimental test of technology that would be known as "Portals”.

End of the First Earth War

On November 11 2118, due to rising food shortages and the ongoing devastation of a global war, the people of earth rose up against governments and corporations worldwide. Assisted by the United Earth, the people called for peace. For a world where people could just live in harmony. Three grueling months later the people got their wish. Corporations and governments disbanded, giving up land, assets, data, and research to the United Earth.

Period of Peace

Under the command of United Earth, democratic elections were held and terraforming strategies put in place to mitigate and reverse the environmental destruction caused by the events of the previous century. Powered by advances in AI and energy tech, Earth was transformed back into a livable planet for humans. Research into interplanetary travel refined the use of Portals, allowing humans to travel outside of the solar system for the first time. For the first time in human history, Earth was at peace.

Second Earth War

As humans gained the power and technology required to leave Sol 1, there was disagreement on how best to utilize and govern these new capabilities. The Second Earth War, unlike its predecessor, was sparked not by the desire for domination, but by ideological differences regarding the expansion of humanity into the galaxy and the role of Earth in this new era.

Emergence of Factions

By the mid-22nd century, two major factions had emerged: The Expansionists, who advocated for aggressive colonization of new worlds to ensure humanity's survival and growth, and The Conservationists, who argued for a more cautious approach, prioritizing the preservation of alien ecosystems and establishing diplomatic relations with any potential extraterrestrial life.

The War's Outset

The Second Earth War began in 2145. Initially, conflicts were limited to debates, protests, and minor skirmishes in space. However, as tensions escalated, these encounters grew more violent. Space battles occurred frequently, but thanks to advanced AI mediation and the lessons learned from the First Earth War, casualties were significantly lower.

The Role of AI and Diplomacy

Artificial Intelligence played a crucial role in the Second Earth War. Unlike the first war, AIs were now sophisticated enough to predict and prevent the most destructive outcomes. They acted as mediators, helping to de-escalate conflicts and propose compromises. Diplomatic efforts were also more successful, as the memories of the First Earth War's devastation were still fresh in the minds of all.

Minimal Planetary Impact

The war was largely confined to space, with minimal impact on Earth and other planetary colonies. This was a deliberate strategy from both sides, acknowledging Earth's historical and ecological importance. The lessons from the First Earth War's environmental impact were heeded, preventing any large-scale destruction of Earth's rejuvenated ecosystems.

The Treaty of Sol

The war came to an end in 2151 with the signing of the Treaty of Sol. This treaty was a groundbreaking achievement in diplomacy, recognizing the need for a balanced approach to galactic expansion. It established guidelines for colonization, ensuring the protection of alien ecosystems, and set up a council representing both factions to oversee future explorations.

Post-War Developments

Post-war, Earth continued to thrive as the cultural and historical center of human civilization. The planet served as a symbol of unity and resilience, a reminder of the challenges humanity had overcome. The ISG, now reformed to include representatives from all factions, operated from Earth, guiding humanity's expansion into the galaxy with a newfound respect for life in all its forms.

This period marked the beginning of a new era of exploration and discovery, where Earth's history served as a lesson and inspiration for a united humanity venturing into the unknown.